We have been busy writing about our Vista Heights learning adventure. Please share with a member of your family what you are really proud of this year. What would you like to work on for next year?
Mathletics - Our accounts will close at the end of this school year. Please complete all your assigned activities
There are many activities coming up to close up our Learning Journey:
There are many activities coming up to close up our Learning Journey:
*We will be walking to the park on Valleyview Road sometime on Thursday or Friday (depending on the weather)
1. Thursday, June 24: 10:30: On-line Grade 6 Graduation Assembly. You may wear fancy clothes for a photo opportunity before the assembly. Be sure to bring a change of clothing for the afternoon activities.
Pizza lunch will follow the assembly for Room 5 and 6.
Parents will be sent information on how to view the assembly using Google Classroom.
2. Friday, June 25: Pyjama Day - wear your pyjamas if you would like to
All school belongings and learning materials will go home today. Report Cards will go home on Friday
3. Monday, June 28: Sports Day
Last day of school.